Sunday, October 28, 2007

The time has come...

...for a blog on commercial real estate in Southeast Idaho!

Content for this blog will come from NAI brokers who specialize in office, retail, industrial, and land development transactions.

NAI Global is the world's leading managed network of commercial real estate firms. With over 375 offices in 55 countries worldwide, we bring together people and resources to deliver results for our clients wherever needed. Our clients come to us for our deep local knowledge. They build their businesses on the power of our global managed network.

NAI Commerce One...Getting Your Deals Done!

Kaly Gillette Shippen
Marketing Director
1000 Riverwalk Drive Suite 375
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402 USA

Tel 1 208.525.8088
Fax 1 208.525.8188
Cell 1 208.757.8872

Build on the power of our network.™

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